Latest Past Events

From Lab to Life: How Science Innovation Can Save Lives

Zoom Meeting

When science innovation speeds from lab to real life, science can be a virtuous catalyst – saving lives, creating new industries, and empowering just transitions. What are some of the essential ingredients to be more than science that stays in the lab producing publications but little real-life impact. Or science that is successfully commercialized but neglects to balance improving the bottom line with improving lives everywhere. A talking tour from next-generation diagnostics to drones, Artificial Intelligence and remote sensing to biomimicry.

Composting in a Bottle

Zoom Meeting

Micro-composting is a great science activity targeted at introducing environmental concepts in a stimulating way. It introduces environmental appreciation and promotes care for the natural environment. Fundamental concepts of turning waste into useable material, chemical processes and soil enrichment are achieved. Requirements: 2 litre plastic bottle, Sharp scissors/ knife, garden soil, fertiliser, newspaper, sand, vegetables left overs, grass clippings, tape and water in a spray bottle. Ms. Marsha Kalika: Chief Education Officer for Outreach

Homemade Plantable Seed Paper

Zoom Meeting

Do your part for the environment: Create your own eco-friendly seed paper out of recyclable pulp and seeds of your choice!!! Learners are exposed to the natural environment, gardening and the concept of recycling . Seed paper is a creative way to reduce waste and beautify the environment. Requirements: old paper, scissors, cup, large bowl, warm water, packet of seeds, food colouring and glitter (optional), towel, old frame/ cookie cutters to shape the paper. Ms. Marsha Kalika: Chief Education Officer for Outreach